17 years of high-tech production under the Dixion brand in Germany and Russia

In partnership with leading manufacturers of medical equipment in Asia and Europe, the company has created and successfully promotes a wide range of medical equipment of the highest quality under a single trademark.

Dixion brings together highly qualified specialists in the development, production, sales and service of medical devices, who have specialized education in the field of medicine and biomedical engineering and have many years of experience in the industry.

Thanks to active cooperation with government and commercial organizations, the leading medical institutions in Russia, Germany and other countries are equipped with Dixion TM equipment.
manufacturing units of medical equipment a year
models of equipment
certified engineers
- Obstetrics & gynecology
- Neonatology
- Surgery
- Hospital furniture
- Functional diagnostics
- Clinical laboratory
- Ent
- Anesthesiology & intensive care
- Ophthalmology
- Disposables
- Dentistry
Over 40 groups of medical equipment
The widest product range includes over 240 models
of medical equipment, medical furniture and disposables.
Dixion metrological service
Verification of measuring instruments is a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with the established metrological requirements.

There are determined the values of the error during verification, which are compared with the permissible ones, normalized in the operational documentation and the description of the type of a specific measuring instrument. Based on the results of the verification, a conclusion is made about the compliance of the measuring instrument with the metrological requirements established in the description of the type
and its suitability for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

Calibration of medical measuring instruments (SIMN) is carried out on the basis of the reviewed submitted documentation.

The metrological service is equipped with verification control and measuring equipment, and also has all necessary regulatory and technical documentation for the verification of medical equipment.
Verification of measuring instruments is a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with the established metrological requirements.

There are determined the values of the error during verification, which are compared with the permissible ones, normalized in the operational documentation and the description of the type of a specific measuring instrument. Based on the results of the verification, a conclusion is made about the compliance of the measuring instrument with the metrological requirements established in the description of the type and its suitability for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
Calibration of medical measuring instruments (SIMN) is carried out on the basis of the reviewed submitted documentation.

The metrological service is equipped with verification control and measuring equipment, and also has all necessary regulatory and technical documentation for the verification of medical equipment.
Our services:
Initial and periodic verification of medical equipment, as well as verification of equipment after repair
Measuring Systems calibration
Voluntary and periodic calibration of measuring instruments at regular intervals in operation or in storage
Comprehensive service
Comprehensive metrological services for school and preschool institutions